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Tween Time: Dog Tag Necklaces
Tween Time: Dog Tag Necklaces
Tween Time is best suited for kids ages 8 and up.

Customize, decorate, and design your own dog tag necklace on Friday, April 4th, 3 to 4 PM, at the Court House Library!
We Love Comics!
We Love Comics!
This virtual author visit is best suited for children in 3rd through 6th grade.

Silliness abounds in this interactive online presentation, 𝘞𝘦 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘴!, by children's author Colleen AF Venable, on Thursday, April 10th, 10 AM!

REGISTRATION REQUIRED - teachers are encouraged to register as a class.
Family Movie
Family Movie
April's movie is the 1998 Disney Pixar classic A Bug's Life!

Family Movie Mornings at the Wildwood Crest Library take place one Saturday a month. Snacks provided while supplies last!

All movie titles are rated G or PG by the MPAA. Movies begin promptly at 10 AM, no registration required.

If your child has a food allergy, please let us know ahead of time so we may accommodate them. CMCL Kids can be reached at [email protected] or 609-463-6350 x300.
Messy Masterpieces
Messy Masterpieces
Best suited for kids ages 2-5.

Encourage your child to explore their creativity with this process art program, with a variety of mediums explored each month. Be sure to dress for mess!

This is a drop-in style program, with supplies available between the designated hours. All supplies provided.

Questions? CMCL Kids can be reached at [email protected] or 609-463-6350 x300.
Princess Party!
Princess Party!
Princesses and Princes are invited to attend a royal party on Saturday, March 29th, 10 to 11 AM, at the Sea Isle City Library!

Be sure to wear your finest attire!
Cape Con 2025
Cape Con 2025

Cape Con is back!!!

All Ages Welcome

Court House Branch Saturday, April 5th, 10am-4pm

Cape Con is a gathering of all things nerdy, fandom-y, and awesome!

There will be: prizes, contests, awards, panels, local authors, local artists, workshops, and so much more!! Click below to check out our informational packet!
Best suited for kids ages 0-5 and their caregivers.

Enjoy stories, songs, rhymes, and much more! Storytime is great for developing your child's language skills and social skills.

Questions? CMCL Kids can be reached at [email protected] or 609-463-6350 x300.
CMCL Kids Facebook
CMCL Kids Facebook
Stay connected with CMCL Kids!

Keep up-to-date with events, services, and more by liking and following our Facebook page: @CapeMayCountyLibraryKids
Program Survey
Program Survey
Have you recently attended a program hosted by CMCL Kids? We want to hear from you!

Please consider taking a moment to fill out this anonymous survey. Your feedback will help us develop new and exciting library programs and events for Cape May County kids, tweens, and their families!
Children's Databases
Children's Databases
Find all of our electronic resources and databases for kids, caregivers, and teachers - including Scholastic Teachables, Tumblebooks, World Book Online, and more!
LEGO @ the Library
LEGO @ the Library
Best suited for kids ages 5-12.

Build your own LEGO creations at the library - no registration required!

Still learning fine motor skills required to manipulate small LEGO pieces? Check out our DUPLO events!

Questions? CMCL Kids can be reached at [email protected] or 609-463-6350 x300.